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Health benefits of Jamun: improve digestion and blood sugar control also called Java Plum

Jamun Health Benefits

Jamun (Syzygium cumini) is one of the most consumed fruits in India, along with lemons and oranges. Jamun grows in tropical and subtropical regions like the Indian subcontinent, Southeast Asia, the Middle East, and even southern parts of the United States. Since it has plenty of health benefits, it’s not surprising that you’ll often find jamun in markets as well as farms across these regions. Keep reading to learn about how you can use Jamun to improve your digestion, lower blood sugar levels, and so much more!

Good for eyesight:

The plum fruit is rich in Vitamin A, which helps to improve eyesight. It also contains proteins, minerals, carbohydrates and fibers that help boost memory and brain power. The antioxidants in jamun prevent premature aging and slow down degenerative diseases related to Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and dementia. Also, it helps cure constipation by cleansing your system through gentle laxative effects. It aids in weight loss by increasing metabolism and helping you stay fuller for longer periods of time.

Lowers Bad Cholesterol:

Java Plum is known to lower bad cholesterol. In fact, in a study conducted by Central Food Technological Research Institute (CFTRI), it was found that eating Java Plum can reduce bad cholesterol (LDL) from your body by 6-8%. This, in turn, reduces your risk of heart diseases.

Prevents Cancer:

This fruit contains antioxidants that can combat cancer-causing free radicals. The combination of minerals and vitamins in jamun help reduce inflammation, while also boosting immunity. It has been used to treat psoriasis, eczema, asthma, diabetes and arthritis. It is especially beneficial for cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. This can strengthen their immune system by increasing glutathione levels in body cells.

Prevents Kidney Stones:

Java plum is rich in oxalic acid which prevent our body from making excess calcium oxalate that may lead to formation of kidney stones. It also increases urinary excretion to reduce risk of stone formation. It can be used for prevention and treatment of Urolithiasis (formation of stones in kidney, bladder or ureter). It also acts as a diuretic to increase urine flow.

Great source of Iron:

Java plum or jamun is a rich source of iron. Iron deficiency is quite common and can lead to anemia. Anemia can cause an individual to feel fatigued, weak, dizzy, pale skinned etc. Low levels of hemoglobin in the body leads to red blood cells being unable to transport oxygen throughout your body effectively hence oxygen deprived areas such as your brain, fingers and toes start showing signs of anaemia symptoms like cold hands and feet.

Improves Digestion:

It is high in pectin, a type of soluble fiber that acts as a prebiotic. Prebiotics are indigestible food ingredients that promote healthful bacteria in your intestines (good bacteria). Java plum improves digestion by feeding those good bacteria.

Anti-Inflammatory Properties:

This dark-purple, marble-sized fruit contains some inflammation-fighting compounds like quercetin, saponins, gallic acid, anthocyanins, and ellagic acid. These ingredients may help your body deal with rheumatoid arthritis and other related problems by lowering the amount of inflammation in your body. *Number with Number Signs*

Treats Diabetes:

Jamun contains phyto-nutrients (substances from plants), including quercetin, kaempferol, myricetin and rutin, which help in lowering glucose levels. Since its seeds are rich in vitamin C, they can contribute to normal functioning of insulin. Research has also shown that quercetin helps lower post-meal glucose level in people with type 2 diabetes. It also helps maintain healthy cholesterol levels.

Purifies Blood:

The health benefits of jamun come from its purifying properties. It helps remove excess fat from your body while clearing toxins. This detoxification property helps purify your blood, preventing diseases like diabetes by keeping your insulin levels steady. With a diet rich in jamun, you can be free from high cholesterol, arterial plaque build-up, congestion in your organs and other ailments caused by an impure circulatory system.

Reduces Weight:

It is widely used for weight loss as it provides a feeling of fullness which can make you eat less without making any change in diet. It also contains a good amount of fiber that can help you feel fuller for longer. It has rich source of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients which makes it an ideal food for weight loss.

Strengthens Bones:

Java plum is also rich in Vitamin C that helps to strengthen bones. It is an excellent source of fiber, potassium, magnesium, and many other minerals that provide a myriad of health benefits.

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