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8 Signs and Symptoms of Pregnancy


During pregnancy, hormonal activities occur in order to assist the growth of the baby. Signs and symptoms of pregnancy differ from women to women. The basic knowledge of early pregnancy symptoms and why they are happening is quite important. Because these signs might also be related to other diseases.

Signs & Symptoms of Pregnancy:

  1. Tender and Swollen Breasts: At an early stage of pregnancy hormonal changes might make your breasts tender and sensitive. Your breasts might feel heavier and fuller.
  2. Missed Period: It is one of the early signs of pregnancy but with the help of pregnancy tests and consultation with a doctor, you may be able to confirm pregnancy easily. Missing a period is related to other conditions like hormonal difficulties, anxiety, birth control pills, and fatigue. A missed period doesn’t indicate that you are pregnant there are a lot of other reasons that make you miss a period.
  3. Nausea: It is a common sign of pregnancy. Your stomach could be vulnerable to feel sick and experience hatred for certain food habits. Morning sickness is a common term used for nausea which leads to vomiting at any time of the day or night. Sometimes it begins as early as three weeks after conception or at six weeks. It could happen in the morning, noon or at night.
  4. Darker Nipples: Changes in the skin are common signs during pregnancy. The first change which comes to your notice is the skin around your nipples getting darker. This can happen from about eight weeks. You may also find that your bumps around your nipples become more pronounced and your nipples become more erect.
  5. Frequent Urination: This sign could possibly make you rush into the bathroom more frequently than ever. This sign is due to the increasing size of the uterus to contain the growing fetus inside your womb which puts pressure on your bladder causing frequent urination.
  6. Spotting and Cramping: You may notice a slight pink or brown colored stain in your panties or when you urinate or feel slight cramping. Spotting and cramping are caused either by fertilized egg implanting in your womb or by hormones that control your periods kicking in.
  7. Food Cravings: You may hate certain food flavors at first, possibly even before you have missed a period. You may notice some metallic taste in your mouth or can’t face morning coffee or certain kinds of stuff which you like, such as meat, eggs, and pizza. The sense of smell may change and you may become more sensitive to cooking smells.
  8. Cravings and Mood Swings:: Pregnant bodies are working too hard to grow baby and they need about 300 extra calories a day. Some women find craving food they would never dream of eating, while others simply feel hungry whole day. Pregnant ladies experience emotional mood swings throughout their pregnancy. Mood swings are natural things to go through a variety of emotions as hormones are adjusting and the body is changing.

Hormonal changes within your body during pregnancy is the main cause of pregnancy symptoms. It includes food cravings, darkening of nipples, headache, frequent urination. These are all signs of pregnancy which may or may not happen throughout your whole pregnancy.

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