Habits for a healthy Thyroid

Thyroid hormones are created by the thyroid gland and aid in the body's ability to manufacture hormones, metabolise food and nutrients into energy, and carry out other critical functions.

Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Water helps flush toxins from your body and keep everything working properly inside.

Get some exercise every day. Moving around will help get your blood moving through your body more efficiently and keep your mind clear too!

Get some exercise every day. Moving around will help get your blood moving through your body more efficiently and keep your mind clear too!

Eat lots of vegetables and fruits every day (about five servings each). They're full of vitamins and minerals that will help boost your immune system so you can fight off any viruses or bacteria that come along!

Get enough sleep every night (about 8 hours). It's when your body heals itself from all the activities during the day so make sure you give it enough time to do its job properly!

Limit processed foods as much as possible - they have artificial ingredients that aren't good for your health like added sugars or trans fats; instead choose natural options like whole grains or veggies!

Talk with a doctor about starting an omega-3 supplement if you don't eat fish at least twice per week (or if you do but not enough to meet the recommended amount per day). These fatty acids can help reduce inflammation throughout the body which means less pain overall!

And finally, talk with a doctor before starting any new diet or exercise routine; these changes could have an impact on how much medication you need based on what's being treated so it's always best to check in first before making any big decisions like that!

Only moderate thyroid symptoms can be maintained with the help of these practices and measure. A regular check-up with a health professional is essential to monitor your thyroid function.

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