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8 Acupressure Points for Weight Loss: How to Use Them for Maximum Effect

Acupressure Points for Weight Loss

Acupressure points have become increasingly popular as an alternative form of treatment, especially when it comes to helping with weight loss. Traditional methods of losing weight involve a combination of diet and exercise, but acupressure points offer the same results without the need to change your lifestyle. The best part? Acupressure points aren’t just helpful in losing weight—they can also help you maintain your ideal weight once you’ve reached it! Here are 8 acupressure points that can help you lose weight faster and more effectively than ever before. Read on to find out how they work!

Ankle, Large Intestine 4 (LU4)

This pressure point is located on the back of the hand, in between the tendons that run from the pinky finger to the wrist. When you find it, you’ll know it—it’s usually quite tender. LU4 is traditionally used to treat a variety of issues, but it can also be helpful for weight loss. Stimulating this point can help reduce cravings and promote feelings of fullness.

Chest, Heart 7 (HT7)

The Heart 7 point, also called HT7, is located on the wrist, three finger-widths below the hand. This point is traditionally used in acupuncture and ear piercing for weight loss. Applying pressure to this point can help regulate appetite, curb cravings, and promote healthy digestion.

Abdomen, Stomach 36 (ST36)

ST36 is located on the lower leg, four finger-widths below the kneecap and one finger-width to the outside of the shinbone. Apply pressure with your thumb, using steady, even pressure. You should feel a dull ache or sense of fullness. This point is traditionally used to help with digestive issues, but it can also be used for weight loss. When pressure is applied to ST36, it helps to break up stagnation and move qi and blood throughout the body, which can help reduce cravings and promote weight loss.

Ankle, Liver 3 (LR3)

Located on the outer edge of your ankle, about one-third of the way down from your kneecap, LR3 is a powerful point for detoxification and weight loss. When you press on it, you may feel a tender spot. This point is traditionally used in acupuncture and ear piercing for weight loss.

Middle of Hand, Gall Bladder 20 (GB20)

GB20 is located in the middle of your hand. It’s the point where your thumb and index finger meet. This pressure point is linked to the gall bladder, which helps with digestion. Applying pressure to this point can help with weight loss by aiding in digestion and metabolism.

Small of Back, Ren 15 (Ren15)

This acupressure point is located on the lower back, about four finger-widths below the waistline. It’s traditionally used to help with weight loss, as well as overall digestion and metabolism. To find Ren15, palpate along the lower back until you find a soft spot. Apply moderate pressure with your thumb or finger and massage in a small circle for two minutes. You can also try ear acupuncture or ear piercing for weight loss at this point.

Upper Shoulder, Stomach 34 (ST34)

This pressure point is located on the outer edge of your upper arm, about four finger-widths below the armpit. ST34 can help with indigestion and constipation, as well as weight loss. To use this point for weight loss, massage it with your fingertips or fingers in a circular motion for two to three minutes. You can also press on this point with a tennis ball or foam roller. For best results, do this daily.

Foot, Triple Heater 5 (TH5)

TH5 is located on the outer edge of your foot, about halfway between your ankle and pinky toe. To find it, apply pressure with your thumb until you feel a firm spot. TH5 helps regulate metabolism, making it an important point for weight loss. Applying pressure to TH5 can help boost your metabolism and promote weight loss.


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