Cough removes bacteria, mucus or irritants from your lungs or as sign of respiratory inflammation. To get quick relief from this, cough remedies are very much necessary. A few simple substances in your kitchen and medications will help you in dealing with cough.
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Table of Contents
There are different types of cough which are listed below:
- Dry Cough:This cough isstubborn that never seems to go away. This cough doesn’t produce any mucuswhich is irritating to lungs and throat. It may be a sign of viral infection orsinus problem. Dry cough comes in response to medications that regulate bloodpressure or hypersensitivity in the upper airways caused by acid reflux.
- Wet Cough: It produces mucus and a color of the mucus indicatesa bacterial infection or fluid in the lungs.
- Hacking Cough: This type of cough is very painful and often worst inthe morning. This cough will produce phlegm which is yellow or green or rust incolor. The appearance of mucus signifies an infection of the airways in thelungs known as bronchi. This viral infection is known as bronchitis whichresults into sore throat, blocked nose, difficulty in breathing and wheezing.
- Barking Cough: It is usually found in children and may be associatedwith viral illness. The barking sound of cough is caused by a swollen windpipe.
- Stress Cough: It is a reflexive spasm of airways caused when youare under stress. This cough doesn’t produce mucus and it is not related to anyinfections.
Natural Medicines of Cough:
- Gargle with Salt Water: If you feel soreness in your throat, make it a pointto gargle with salt warm water. The salt water can drain excess fluid frominflamed areas in the throat reducing the symptoms. Gargling removes irritantsin throat and thins the mucus.
- Honey: It works more efficiently to calm a cough than over the counter drugs.Honey is rich demulcent with a high viscosity and stickiness that does anincredible job of coating and soothing those irritated mucous membranes.Antibacterial properties in honey can shorten the cough.
- Turmeric: It is a traditional remedy for cough. Turmeric has antibacterialproperties. Heat a glass of milk, mix a ½ teaspoon of turmeric powder and drinkthis mixture to get relief from cough.
- Ginger: One of the easiest ways of finding relief for cough – cut a piece of ginger,sprinkle some salt on it and chew ginger for a few minutes. Everyone doesn’tlike strong aromatic taste of ginger. In such case, a ginger tea is equallygood.
- Garlic: It is an effective antimicrobial and expectorant to fight againstcough. Garlic prevents colds and also lessens the symptoms of cough. Crush 5cloves of peeled garlic and fry in a teaspoon of ghee. Consume fried garlic toget relief from cough and cold. You can also include sauteed garlic in otherdishes like rasam or in medicinal soups. This will soothes your throat andhelps in liquefying the thick mucus.
Black Peppers: It is an effective cough remedies that stimulates circulation and mucus flow. Boil 5-10 black peppers in 2 cups of water. Boil the water until the water has reduced by half a cup. Strain the water and mix a teaspoon of honey. Drink twice in a day until cough subsides.